Find out more about your organization’s problems here

Experience has shown that the functions of an organization are not good enough connected. This has the following consequences, among others:

  • Work does not flow – waiting times prevent efficiency.
  • Strategy and implementation are not linked.
  • Leadership practically does not take place.

With my support, your company will achieve the following, among other things:

  • 95% of your company’s projects are on schedule – on scope – on budget.
  • Your company’s time to market is leading compared to other companies.
  • Your company achieves much more in less time than before. More innovative products and services are being developed and being delivered faster and at lower cost.
  • Your company’s functions work and are very well connected.

Your company will then be characterised by, among other things:

  • realising its potential
  • being resilient and resistant
  • being adaptable, flexible and responsive
  • inspire its customers with innovative products and services in the shortest time possible

The aim must be to get the work – and thus the value creation – flowing in your organisation. To achieve this, we work on and with all functions of your organisation. To this end, I support you, your employees, your teams and your organisational units through coaching, consulting and training.

Want to know more details? Please continue reading.

Create more value with less effort and happier employees by getting your business to do the right things right – permanently right.

How often do you say “Yes!” to the following questions?

  • Are tasks and projects in your organisation not completed on time? Do you need to bring your organisation out of “chaos mode” / “fire fighting mode”? Does your organisation need to increase the number of completed projects per year without making investments?
  • Does the effort always outweigh the benefits in your organisation? Do more teams in your organisation not deliver more value?
  • Does your organisation need to become more innovative? Do you need to develop more innovative products and services faster and cheaper?
  • Do you have the perfect strategy for your company, but the implementation is not working?
  • Is your company’s market positioning too bad?
  • Is your company too poorly prepared for uncertain circumstances?
  • Have you tried many methods, models and frameworks, but none of them have really brought an improvement?
  • Is your company’s time-to-market too long? Is your company not able to react quickly to market situations/challenges?
  • Does communication between people, teams, departments and units in your organisation need to be improved? Do the stakeholders in your organisation not have a common understanding?
  • Does the organisational culture not (any longer) fit the way of working? Are there internal tensions that prevent your organisation from moving forward?
  • Do the people in your organisation have too much to do? Are the people in your organisation too dissatisfied with the results of their work?

You probably have many more problems and challenges.

Then at least one of the following causes, among others, is an obstacle for your business:

  • Work does not flow – waiting times prevent efficiency.
    • Guess: In what percentage of the time does an order, project or similar in an organisation take to be completed and delivered, is it actually processed?
      • In classically organised companies, 0.5% to 5% of the time that an order/project takes in total is actually processed. The rest is waiting time. So the work here waits at least 95% to 99.5 % of the time it is in the organisation.
      • In organisations that work “agilely”, 10% of the total lead time is processed, i.e. here there is still at least 90 % waiting time on the total lead time.
    • So the problem is not slow teams, but poor cooperation in the organisation.
    • 90% to 99.5% of the time is wasted. And if the teams then work faster, the waste increases even more because the waiting times do not decrease.
  • Strategy is not linked to implementation. Staff are so busy with “day-to-day business” that they do not get to deal with strategic issues. And often they are not even aware of how their work contributes to the strategy. Moreover, there is a lack of feedback on strategy from those who work with clients and in the market. So it is not surprising that trends are “slept on” even when they are known.
  • Leadership is practically non-existent. Instead of leading people to peak performance, they are demotivated by (behavioural) control and incapacitation. Over-regulation makes compliance more important than performance. Knowledge and skills are available but not used.

There are probably many more causes.

After we have eliminated the causes, your organisation will be in a much better position:

  • Your organisation completes twice as many projects per year as before without having made large investments.
  • 95% of the orders and projects in your organisation are completed on time – on scope – on budget. Your organisation is far from “chaos mode” / “fire fighting mode”.
  • The benefits always outweigh the effort in your organisation. And more teams deliver more value.
  • Strategy is very well linked to implementation in your organisation.
  • Your organisation achieves real improvements without many methods, models and frameworks. And is able to adapt in the future.
  • „Agility“ works really well in your organisation. Your teams are productive even though they work with Scrum. The “agile scaling” of your organisation works well.
  • Communication between people, teams, departments and units in your organisation is good. All stakeholders in your organisation have a common understanding.
  • The organisational culture permanently adapts to and supports the way of working?
  • Your organisation uses internal tensions productively to move forward and develop.
  • People in your organisation have enough time to take care of the important things. They are satisfied with the results of their work.

This list is by nature incomplete.

In the future, you can then expect the following effects in your organisation:

  • Your organisation creates more value with less effort and more satisfied employees because it does the right things right – and does these permanently.
  • Your organisation is a financially sound and crisis-proof company that delights its customers with innovative products and services in a sustainable and efficient manner.
  • Your organisation is able to react quickly and innovatively to market situations and challenges.
  • Your company is resilient and resistant and well prepared for uncertain circumstances.
  • Your company is a benchmark for innovation and has a significantly improved market positioning.

Of course, this list is incomplete.